Replicant at the 15th Libre Software Meeting in Montpellier, France this July

RMLL 2014

Replicant will take part in the 15th edition of the Libre Software Meeting (Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre — RMLL in French) that takes place from July 5th to 11th 2014 in Montpellier, France. We’ll be there during the week at the university to present Replicant through a few talks as well as a workshop, organized jointly with members of FSFE’s Free Your Android program and the F-Droid project. You’re welcome to come and say hi, ask for help about freeing your mobile device, see devices actually running with Replicant or just have a chat with us!

There will be two conferences about the Replicant project, both delivered in English: Replicant: software freedom on mobile devices and An overview of Replicant development. But there are plenty more talks dedicated to software freedom and Android: FSFE’s member Erik Albers will present a conference about Freedom on Android devices while F-Droid developer Daniel Martí will talk about Free Software on Android via F-Droid.
In addition, Replicant developer Paul Kocialkowski will present a conference about various freedom issues on ARM devices: ARM devices and your freedom.

Moreover, Richard M. Stallman, long time free software activist, founder of the GNU project and president of the Free Software Foundation will be attending the event and will deliver a speech about a Free digital society (in French).

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

One thought on “Replicant at the 15th Libre Software Meeting in Montpellier, France this July

  1. I need to participate writting software to replicant with code gps camera any devices for my samsung gt n7000

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